
I exist therefore I am

I am therefore I exist

I am the means

and the end

I think

so I do

I do

so I think

I stand

so I believe

I believe

so I stand

I reason

to be

not to be

I protest

for Justice

That is blind

I am free

but chained

by law

But the law exists

to free the chains

what is Right

is also Left of Right

But Right is not wrong

so Left is definitely wrong

Looking Back

History stares at me

Full of tales

From different eras

From different perspectives

A walk

Back in Time

To re-build the Time

To know the present

To shape the future

That’s what Astronomers

Do as well

Look back in Time

To connect the cause

and the effect

In a chaos that reigns






By the Brook

There she lay

In a lonely grave

By the Brook
Unseen and unknown

Till a lonely shepherd

Stumbled upon her

And found her tale

A glorious tale of

Love and loss

Of a royal Princess

The most beautiful

Tormented soul

Soon the stories

Were made

And unmade

Shepherd loved

The dead dame

And his fame

He tended to

The tomb

Soon lovers came

To be blessed

By the cursed Princess

Little did anyone know

Six feet under

Was a sad refugee

Who had lived,

In pain,

And died in vain

Little did she know

Her death will give

Her a life, care

And a fame

And not far away

In the grand Cemetery

In an unmarked grave

Was the real Princess

Finally dethroned by Time

The Day Freedom Was Won and Lost

They both stood vigil

Just like lovers

With surgical precision

Lines were drawn

And lives got thrown

Into disarray

One thought Nation did not belong to them

Other was too young and weak to claim or protect

The two great lovers

Stood and watched

As a Nation got ripped into two

And precious lives ebbed away

No one realised

It was the very idea of love and freedom

They had aborted that day

As the Nation bled

Along with lives






All was lost

And alleged lovers stood vigil

Arrogantly announcing

Their Nation’s tryst with destiny!!