
Sometimes you know
At the end of journey
Either a new wound
Or a healing touch
Awaits you

Choice is yours
You can stay
With good old
Known scars
Or take the risk

You might return
With more scars
But the hope of healing
Always will fool you

You will jump into
The fire
With a hope of
Rising like a phoenix

Fools always
Dream of paradise
Only wise ones
Peer into
Dante’s inferno

Happiness on Discount

Have we become junkies
Addicted to hope and joys
Rainbows and silver linings
All things positive decoys?

We proclaim that
It is just
A matter of choice –
To be or not to be

How does it matter
If conflicts rage
Or forests go ablaze?

How does it matter
If someone is killed
Or incarcerated
For our rights?

They know
We enjoy cheap thrills
And discounted happiness
With easy EMIs on sale

How does it matter
If we are told to teach
Wrong facts or hate
Or fiction?

As long as happiness is
Prime and insta-delivered
Does it matter
If the planet is under threat?

They know we are junkies
Addicted to hope and joys
Rainbows and silver linings
All things positive decoys

Gambling away a future
We won’t be a part of?
Doesn’t it seem easy, quick
And affordable?